FONAR Presented Medical Imaging
Industry Innovation & Advancement of the Year Award by Frost
and Sullivan
NEW YORK, November 20, 2006 - FONAR Corporation (NASDAQ-FONR),
The Inventor of MR Scanning™, announced today, that in
a lavish dinner celebration in La Jolla, California, FONAR
was presented the 2006 North American Medical Imaging Industry
Innovation & Advancement of the Year Award from Frost and
Sullivan. FONAR Vice Presidents David Terry and Lawrence Minkoff,
Ph.D. received the award on behalf of FONAR. Visit for
a summary of the award.
B. Terry, Senior Vice President of FONAR on left, receives
award from Antonio Garcia of Frost & Sullivan on right |
Mr. Antonio Garcia, Industry Manager For Patient
Monitoring and Medical Imaging of Frost & Sullivan said, “Frost & Sullivan
presents the 2006 North American Medical Imaging
Industry Innovation andAdvancement of the Year Award to FONAR for
their unwavering leadership as a pioneer in magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), ever since the company’s introduction
of the first commercial MR scanner in 1980. Spurred during
the 1970s by founder Dr. Raymond Damadian’s significant
research discoveries in the area of nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR) for cancer detection, his origination of the idea of
scanning the human body by NMR and his patent of the first
MR scanner, FONAR went on to become the innovative force behind
all three magnet types in use today, namely superconducting,
permanent and resistive magnets. FONAR has also established
itself as the only manufacturer that offers an Upright (Multi-Position)
MR scanner that allows for the imaging of patients in seated,
standing, flexion and extension positions, which permits dynamics
visualization of the fully weight-loaded spine in contrast
to the present day pictures of the non weight-loaded spine
obtained in conventional static single-position recumbent-only
nearly 30 years, FONAR has led the medical imaging industry in
promoting the clinical utility of MR and the multitude of applications
that can be performed with this technology. In recognition of
the company’s longstanding role as a pioneering innovator
of MR technology, Frost & Sullivan is proud to bestow upon
FONAR the 2006 North American Medical Imaging Industry Innovation
Advancement of the Year Award,” exclaimed Mr. Garcia.
Subha Basu, Ph.D, Industry Analyst Medical Imaging for
Frost and Sullivan said, “In the $1.4 billion U.S. MR scanner industry,
FONAR has differentiated itself by offering the only Upright
MR scanner. The patient is imaged seated or standing, instead of lying
supine. This configuration not only eases patient anxiety by
placing adult and adolescent patients in a more comfortable position, but
the accuracy of spinal cord images are also enhanced, since physicians
can image the spine in weight-bearing positions that more accurately
reflect herniated and/or displaced spinal column states. Diagnostic
precision is particularly important for the spine, as nearly
half of all MR images are performed on the neck or spine, where the
curvature of the spinal column further adds to the complexity
of acquiring natural, functional images of the spine under load bearing
conditions. With nearly 120 worldwide installations, the Upright™ Multi-Position™ MR
scanner has gained increasing adoption rates across multiple
clinical sub-specialties, including radiology, orthopedics, pediatrics
About Frost & Sullivan
Frost & Sullivan, a global growth consulting company, has
been partnering with clients to support the development of innovative
strategies for more than 40 years. The company's industry expertise
integrates growth consulting, growth partnership services, and
corporate management training to identify and develop opportunities.
Frost & Sullivan serves an extensive clientele that includes
Global 1000 companies, emerging companies, and the investment
community by providing comprehensive industry coverage that reflects
a unique global perspective and combines ongoing analysis of
markets, technologies, econometrics, and demographics. For more
information, visit
FONAR® was incorporated in 1978, making it the
first, oldest and most experienced MRI manufacturer in the industry.
FONAR introduced the world's first commercial
MRI in 1980, and went public in 1981. Since its inception, FONAR has installed
hundreds of MRI scanners worldwide. Their stellar product line includes the FONAR
Upright™ Multi-Position™ MRI (also known as the Upright™ MRI
and the Stand-Up™ MRI), the only whole-body MRI that performs Multi-Position™ Imaging
(mpMRI™) and scans patients in numerous weight-bearing positions, i.e.
standing, sitting, in flexion and extension, as well as the conventional lie-down
position. The FONAR Upright™ Multi-Position™ MRI often sees the patient's
problem that other scanners cannot because they are single position, lie-down
only. With nearly one half million patients scanned, the patient-friendly FONAR
Upright™ Multi-Position™ MRI has a near zero claustrophobic rejection
rate by patients. A radiologist said, “FONAR Upright™ MRI – No
More Claustrophobia – The Tunnel Is Gone.” As another FONAR customer
states, "If the patient is claustrophobic in this scanner, they'll be claustrophobic
in my parking lot." Approximately 85% of patients are scanned sitting while
they watch a 42" flat screen TV. FONAR’s latest MRI scanner is the
FONAR 360, a room-size recumbent scanner that optimizes openness while facilitating
physician access to the patient. FONAR is headquartered on Long Island, New York,
and has approximately 400 employees.
The Inventor of MR Scanning™,
True Flow™ MRI, Stand-Up™ MRI, Upright™ MRI,
Dynamic MRI, Position™ MRI, Multi-Position™ MRI,
PMRI™ and
The Proof is in the Picture™ are trademarks of FONAR® Corporation.
This release may include
forward-looking statements from the company that may or may not
materialize. Additional information on factors that could potentially
affect the company's financial results may be found in the company's
filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
FONAR Corporation
110 Marcus Drive
Melville, N.Y. 11747
Tel. 631-694-2929
Fax. 631-390-9540
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